Our News Our News Virtual Reality at Natural Breaks! At Natural Breaks our strap line is “we believe living an ordinary life can be extraordinary” and quite simply that is what we strive for each and every single day. Every person is unique and one person’s ordinary can be another persons extraordinary. However in The SG we do aim to do things that are a little bit extraordinary every now and again and we definitely achieved this when we had the absolutely AWESOME VR Here Liverpool come along to our offices to give us all a taster of what virtual reality is like! A BIG thank you to Les from VR Here who gave everyone here at Natural Breaks such a unique afternoon! VR Here is a local business based off of Vauxhall Road and were curious to know what we got up to here at Natural Breaks. When they found out we were a charity that supports people with disabilities they offered to come in and give us a free trial with the amazing kit they have so that people we support had the chance to immerse themselves in some stunning virtual reality landscapes. Jamie had a go at the archery and said “I’ve had an amazing time today. I wasn’t sure what it was or if I was going to enjoy myself but it has been brilliant, I’ve loved every second of it.” Karen went on a virtual rollercoaster and Kath was playing fetch with a virtual reality dog in the wide open spaces of Colorado. It was such a superb afternoon and such an amazing opportunity for people we support – thank you Les and VR Here for this and we hope to come along to your arcade soon and try some more of the amazing virtual realities you have! Manage Cookie Preferences