Wednesday 6th December marked Natural Breaks’ annual Christmas Party, held at St. Michael’s Irish Centre, where people we support alongside staff, families and friends of Natural Breaks came together for an evening of festive fun.


During the evening, we had a raffle draw where a number of people won a range of fantastic prizes from bespoke hampers to b

ath and body sets to chocolate!

A special guest made an appearance at the Christmas Party too - the one and only Santa Claus. Accompanying Santa was a sack full of selection boxes for all the people we support and their younger family members.


The night wouldn’t have been the same without DJ Terry, who got everybody in the Christmas spirit. DJ Terry played every festive tune and his sumo Santa suit was the highlight of the evening.

It was wonderful to see so many faces and celebrate alongside everybody and watch everyone come together to celebrate Christmas.


Thank you to every person who came along and a special thank you to St. Michael’s Irish Centre for hosting us – you always help make our Christmas party the best night ever!


If you would like to learn more about our work, you can visit our page here. For enquiries, please drop us an email at [email protected]

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